New Speedier 3-day Sprint!

Feeling like Instagram is DEAD?

What if we could resuscitate the life back into your Instagram? Get views, engagement, and reach your audience again... in just 3 days!


But the Algorithm...

The AlgorithmS (plural) are AWESOME when you know how they operate and why they want you to succeed. Let me show you.


Can we really do this in 3 days?

You better believe it. Check out previous Sprinter's results below. But for real, at this price, it's worth checking out and trying for yourself. 



"40,000 new followers in 6 weeks!"




"Relationships that create growth!"




"Anna taught us that no one can sell our business as well as we can."




"I made $15,000 selling my art after working with Anna in the Sprint!"




"I went from 7,000 to 113,000 followers and turned Instagram into my full-time job!"


Learn what's working on Instagram RIGHT NOW.


Learn what's working on Instagram RIGHT NOW.


But don't take our word for it.

Our past students have crushed it in just a few days.

Maybe it's YOUR turn. ◡̈

Learn by doing.

Connect with others just like you.


Join our next Sprint!  

⇧ Learn a new principle each day

⇧ Immediately put it into action

⇧ Get direct feedback

⇧ See the results


Join our next Sprint!  


⇧ Learn a new principle each day

⇧ Immediately put it into action

⇧ Get direct feedback

⇧ See the results


Totally NOT a course.

This isn't a "Master Class" or course that you buy but never find the time to open and start using.

How many of those $2000 courses have you bought and never used?!

This is a LIVE Sprint and you'll follow along with the lessons and the prompts and take action on the new stuff you're learning right away—with interaction from the other Sprinters along the way. 

Here's exactly how it works:



How / where do I access everything?

Once you purchase, you’ll receive instructions on how to join a private Instagram account. This account was created ONLY for the members of THIS Sprint. All of the content, prompts, etc will be posted in the private account. A program to improve your Instagram that's actually ON Instagram. Cool, right?

Can someone from my team watch, too?

Only one account will be added to the private Instagram account for this challenge. Anyone who has access to your account will be able to access the content, but it can be really buggy if two of you are trying to watch live at the same time on the same account.

How much time will this take?

It’s a Sprint, not a marathon so you will be a busy bee for the 3 days that the Sprint is live. That being said, we have streamlined the instruction portions, so plan about an hour each day. Maybe even a little less. Videos will all be recorded and shared to watch whenever you have the time each day.

What if I get behind?

You can do anything for 3 days! We HIGHLY recommend following the prompts and assignments in real-time to get the full benefits. But if something comes up and you fall behind, you have 30 days to access before the private Instagram account changes.

Is this still for me if Instagram is just my side hustle?

We’ve had tons of clients who have turned their side hustle into their full-time job after doing the Sprint! If you’ve got the IG basics down and you’ve got a business to promote, this is definitely for you!

Why is it so cheap?

Now that you’re seeing what kind of results you can get, is it starting to feel cheap? Too good to be true? We designed the pricing so that anyone who is serious about growing their account can join and start seeing great results.


Want in on the next Instagram SPRINT?

Join us for the next Instagram sprint to learn how to grow your business with Instagram strategy that is current and ACTUALLY works. 

Grow your REACH and IMPRESSIONS in just a few days with proven and new tips for Instagram!