$75.00 USD

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We do not offer any promises or guarantees with regard to our Program or Materials. You hereby acknowledge and agree:

  1. You are solely and exclusively responsible for the choices that you make with regard to this Guide, the Materials contained within it, or any significant changes to your business or life;
  2. You are solely and exclusively responsible for your own mental health, physical health, business decisions, and any other actions or inaction you choose to take;
  3. We are not liable for any result or non-result or any consequences which may come about due to your participation in the Program;
  4. This Guide does not constitute a personal consultation or coaching.


You also agree to comply with the "Acceptable Use" provision of this Agreement for all User Contributions that you post, including and especially to not violate the intellectual property rights of any third party through your User Contributions.

If you feel that any of your intellectual property rights have been infringed or otherwise violated by the posting of information or media by another of our users, please contact us and let us know.

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Get SMART – Family INTERNET SAFETY Guide Offer

This SMART Family Online Guide is a program designed for families who are online or use smart devices and the Internet in their home (and considering you are looking at this right now, sounds like it might be YOU!!). 😉

Best for kids age 3 – 10, this guide is broken into multiple lessons for families to discuss:

  • Safety

  • Mom or Dad (what to do when you see something mature or inappropriate)

  • Awareness

  • Rules and Guidelines

  • Time

There are also tips and studies for families to discuss:



Plans for OTHER things to do with your TIME

and many Discussions for the entire family

There is also a FAMILY PLAN for the family to complete and sign when the Program is completed.

Since this is a digital program, it cannot be returned. All sales are final.


What People Are Saying:

I love that this is more of a guided conversation than just an advice situation for parents. Super helpful! My 5-year-old was all over it. She is SMART now and she will tell you everything about it.

This guide gave me the tools to open up the discussion in a way that my kids can understand. I tend to make things more complicated than they need to be and this guide helped me simplify my thinking and explain things in a way that could relate to my kids especially my 9 year old who understands more about technology than even me I think.

My wife and I loved this. We all had a really good discussion about rules for devices. I noticed that our whole family seemed more invested in what we were choosing to do.

The interesting facts were a great way to keep the topic light and even for me to remember to not totally freak my kids out about all the dangers lurking behind the keyboard!